The Peasants

The Peasants started in 1987 when Pete Cassani moved to Boston from Long Island, NY and started playing at the Gov't Center T Station. 

Pete went to open mikes around Allston with songs he wrote. Met Bob Starker at Harpers Ferry one night at a blues jam. After they were kicked off the stage for no good reason they decided to form a band. That's the short version. Hope you liked it. Thanks!!

'Lil' Miss Sofia And The Hurley Band

Lil' Miss Sofia has been performing in her local community events since a young age. She also auditioned for America's Got Talent and hopes one day to be on the show! Her love of music is a family affair. Growing up in Houghs Neck, a small neighborhood on the water in Quincy, MA, she practices alongside her sister who plays the piano. Her uncle, Bryan Galligan, is also a well know singer/song-writer in the community.They often perfom together and she enjoys receiving his coaching on voicework and overall performance on stage.

Under the Covers

Under the Covers is a podcast by Jeremiah Gibson and Stephanie Wallace, two couples therapists in the Boston area. During each episode, we play a cover of a popular song and talk about the ways the lyrics describe certain aspects of relationships. We then discuss these themes, such as communication and intimacy, on a deeper level.